ChemExplorer™ - Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) + Cheminformatics Platform
We help companies manage safety and environmental performance by using Cheminformatics. This helps to ensure legal compliance, minimize occupational health risks and improve profitability by utilizing the expertise of our market-leading chemical management solution.
- Store Data
- Analyze Data
- Share Data
- Build your own libraries
- Efficient and easy to use
- Correlation to Toxicology
Build your own libraries
You can name every substance and add CAS numbers, GHS symbols and other relevant information. You can even add toxicology information and make reports based on its environmental correlation. It is also possible to add and collect information about each substance’s toxicological correlation to hazardous sources.
Efficient and easy to use
Never before have we been surrounded by so many hazardous chemicals, and the need to work proactively is constantly growing. But managing chemicals is complex work and the legal requirements are increasing by the day. Because of this, you need a streamlined chemical management process and up-to-date knowledge of your chemical substances, plus information on how these affect humans and the environment around you.

FAQ Labio ChemExplorer
Q: What is the ChemExplorer solution?
A: Labio ChemExplorer is a set of tools to manage information, assist collaboration and drive decision making in the chemical arena. It acts as a platform to interconnect data, people, organizations as well as external IT systems into one ecosystem.
Q: Which are the main benefits I gain from using ChemExplorer?
A: Labio is continually adding new capabilities but the most fundamental functions include the following;
- Collect, share information about chemical compounds
- Automatic storage with the confidential cloud-based platform
- View, print and share toxicological information and GHS reports
- Create your own spectra libraries from your own measurements or mix with licensed spectrum data available in ChemExplorer
- Download spectra libraries to your instrument to customize and enhance your detection capabilities
- Add your own substance information in any language to libraries to customize result displays (GHS or custom formats)
- Manage your system user accounts.
- Get information about each substance’s toxicological correlation to hazardous sources.