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Liquid Analysis

Extensive Range of GC-UV Instruments

Gas chromatography – UV spectrophotometry (GC-UV) is an analytical technique that involves the continuous monitoring of compounds eluting from a gas chromatographic column using a UV spectrophotometer. The Labio range of GC-UV instruments offers a wide range of analytical capabilities, enabling users to perform routine GC-UV analysis on various samples with sensitivity, robustness, and reliability.

Gas chromatography is a widely recognized and extensively utilized method for chemical detection and analysis, with a significant presence worldwide. This technique has earned its reputation as a reliable and prevalent tool in the scientific community. Its widespread adoption can be attributed to its robustness, versatility, and proven track record in delivering accurate and precise results. GC-UV offers offering enhanced capabilities for compound separation, identification, and quantification. By leveraging the unique spectral characteristics of compounds, GC-UV enables precise compound identification, allowing researchers to confidently determine the presence of specific substances.

Liquid Analysis: GC-UV INSCAN 176

The GC-UV INSCAN 176 Analytical Injector System provides simplicity as well as powerful precision. There is no need for vacuum pumps or external add-ons. The system is a completely integrated, easy to use. The technology can be used in a variety of sectors where the operator needs to measure specific or general non-targeted substances. 

Gas Chromtography (GC) is a separation method used in chemistry to separate different types of substances in a mixture. It is an invaluable technique for conducting analytical testing. Traditional gas chromatography is a well known and very widely used method for chemical detection and analysis installed in hundreds of thousands of laboratories world-wide. The GC-UV is a general method of analysis and can be applied within numerous application areas. The results obtained are both qualitative and quantitative.

Featured Literature

Gas chromatography – UV spectrophotometry (GC-UV) has been extensively featured in scientific literature due to its valuable analytical capabilities. Researchers and scientists have recognized the benefits of combining gas chromatography with UV detection for various applications. 


Product Details

Precision detection and identification of chemical compounds.

Through our systems, we combine the method of chromatography with the power of UV spectrometry enabling precision detection and identification with high sensitivity as gas molecules absorb in the ultraviolet region determining unique spectra. The software is easy to use and flexible. A calibration curve is applied to find the amount of the substances in the sample. The spectral library ensures positive identification of the individual substances.

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